Lawyers’ partnership “Radoslav Tonev & Associates” provides highly professional legal services to local and foreign natural and legal persons and their respective branches in different fields of law.
According to the clients` requirements and desires, the partnership offers either complete or specialized legal services depending on the nature of the engagement and its intensity.
For maximum quality of service on every case, the partnership actively cooperates with a broad specter of specialists in the fields of finances, construction, architecture, etc.
Representation in Bulgarian courts, arbitrations, administrations, and special jurisdictions;
Conducting lawsuits and court representation;
Participation in negotiations for out-of-court settlement of disputes;
Representation in executive proceedings – before Enforcement agents, Central special pledge registry, etc.;
Realization of securities – real estates, personal property, shares, shares in commercial companies, claims, combinations of rights, properties, and other according to the requirements of the legislation in force.
Counselling on choosing the most appropriate legal form of incorporation;
Incorporation and tax registration of sole traders, companies, groups of companies – consortiums, holding companies and others;
Registration of branches, commercial representations and subsidiary companies of foreign companies;
Registrations in Bulgarian institutions (the taxation authorities, the Bulgarian chamber of commerce and industry, the National statistical institute and others);
Registration of changes in the status of the above-mentioned commercial subjects;
Transformation and reorganization of companies (including acquisition of stocks and shares, merging, etc.);
Legal assistance for convocation, preparation and carrying out of Shareholders Meetings;
Shareholders’ agreements;
Court proceedings concerning the protection of company rights.
Participation in the negotiation process of commercial deals.
Preparation and consultations for ensuring profound protection of clients’ interests concerning different kinds of contracts and transactions – sale of personal property and other tangible and non-tangible assets, commission contracts, leasing, transaction with license rights and interests, delivery contracts, consignments, distribution, and others.
Participation in negotiations, representation in realization of transactions, consultations concerning security of the commercial claims using permitted by the law legal systems of measures and instruments.
Monitoring of contract execution. Taking necessary legal actions in case of, or to prevent, a default or insolvency of the contracting party.
Consulting activity concerning the legal aspects of the bankruptcy proceedings according to the Bulgarian and the international legislation;
Juridical monitoring of financially unstable companies in order to examine the possibilities for compulsory or voluntary collection of the creditors’ claims, preparation and consultations on the preparation of reorganization plans, elaboration of a strategy to cash assets in the winding-up stage of the bankruptcy proceeding;
Protection of local and foreign creditors in the course of the insolvency proceedings of local debtors.
Research, offering and finding of suitable Bulgarian real estates in accordance with criteria determinate in advance;
Preparation and fulfilling all kinds of transactions with real estates – sales, rents, establishment of real rights, including the right to build;
Organization of negotiations and representation of clients in institutions and departments and before natural and juridical persons concerning investments in real estates;
Research of the legal status of a real estate – ownership, burdens and possibilities;
Drafting of preliminary purchase contracts and deeds;
Assistance with signing deeds before the Notary Public;
Consultations on funding transactions with real estates and preparation of documents for demanding and using of credits for acquisition of real estates granted by banks and other financial institutions, including its security;
Consultations on negotiating the management of real estate in the country and on caring out real estate mediation activity;
Management and maintenance agreements and regulations for internal order and use of commonhold property;
Researches and legal opinion concerning the Spatial Development Act;
Legal assistance in changing the purpose of lands and acquiring permits and authorizations;
Participation in negotiations and consultations on behalf of the investor/assignor as part of the monitoring of the construction process of residential and commercial buildings.
Legal representation before different administrations concerning their acts for issuing, respectively for denial of issuing official documents, and appealing of such acts.
Legal representation before the Commission on Protection of Competition and the Supreme Administrative Court;
Legal consulting in case of prohibited agreements and concentration, public procurements, etc.;
Legal consulting related to abuse of dominant position or to monopoly;
Legal consulting related to unfair competition; damaging of the good name of the competitors; misleading or comparative advertising; imitation; unfair customer solicitation.
Preparation of individual law-suits and Class Actions related with consumer rights infringements;
Assistance with the conciliation procedures before the Commission on consumer protection.
Legal representation before the Commission on consumer protection.
Assistance and consultations on drafting the application documents for registration in the Bulgarian Patent office and/or other international institutions in the field of intellectual and industrial property – trade marks, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents, and other in accordance with the legislation in force;
Defense of such rights by appealing rejections of the respective offices and court verdicts, any by lodging claims to protect the clients in case of breach of such kind of rights.
Establishment, re-structuring and termination of non-profit organizations developing activities in various fields of the society;
Services related to the entire structure and development of the legal entity, membership relations, system of the bodies, convocation of meetings, preparation of statutory rules and others;
Services for transformation of the organization from one type to another, for merger, acquisition, de-merger, dividing as well as in the procedures of liquidation and bankruptcy;
Preparation and filing documents concerning the activities of the organization.
Consultations and legal actions concerning crimes against the property or the person;
Criminal Defense;
Court representation of crime victims;
Court representation in all phases of criminal proceedings, preparation and filing of complaints, appeals and other acts, constitution as civil claimants and/or as private accuser in the criminal proceedings.
Consultations on the Bulgarian tax legislation, tax concessions, and privileges;
Legal assistance during tax revisions;
Appealing of unlawful acts of the tax administration before the administration and the court;
Legal representation before all instances on new or pending cases concerning VAT, profit tax, taxation of individuals, and local taxes and fees.
Preparation of documents concerning establishment and termination of labor relationships in accordance with the Labour Code;
Consultations on preparation of records of the duties of the stuff;
Preparation of collective agreements and internal regulations;
Court representation in case of illegal dismissal or disciplinary sanctions.
Defense against discrimination in and out of the workplace.
„Radoslav Tonev and Associates“ Lawyers’ Parnership offers consultations in the field of personal data protection in accordance with the new European regulation in several directions:
1.Legal analysis and assessment of the current level of compliance of processes in the organization with GDRR requirements.
2. Preparation of rules and procedures to meet GDPR requirements
Based on the current level of compliance analysis, our team cuold prepare for you a set of documents with rules and develop procedures to help your organisation improve its GDPR compliance level.